Prescott Receives $10,000 Trails Grant from the International Mountain Biking Association

The City of Prescott Received a trails grant from the International Mountain Biking Association (IMBA), in the amount of $10,000 for trail development. The city will receive the grant, then Prescott Mountain Biking Association (PMBA) will raise a $10,000 match. Once the matching funds are raised, the 20K will then be paid to International Mountain Bike Association and their trails planning division Trails Solutions for the on site planning and document.
Prescott, Arizona – Prescott Flow Trail Development Project: $10,000 grant With more than 400 miles of trails and 2 million trail visitors per year in Prescott, one may see riders from eight to 80 years old enjoying the trails—like the seven local NICA teams or the Over the Hill Gang trail building volunteers. To address the rapid growth of youth racing and riding, meet the demands of new and future mountain bike riders, and add a trail type not currently available in the area, the Prescott Flow Trail Development Project will add several miles of new gravity trails to the system. Prescott National Forest (PNF), the city of Prescott, and Prescott Mountain Bike Alliance (PMBA) are partners on this project.
“We are pleased to have received this award,” said Joe Baynes, Director of Recreation Services for the City of Prescott. “I want to thank our trails and park land planner Chris Hosking, Prescott Mountain Biking Alliance, the Over The Hill Gang and other enthusiasts who help make Prescott trails better every day.”
The PNF District Ranger, Sarah Clawson said, “The Prescott National Forest is pleased to continue our highly successful partnerships with the City of Prescott and The Prescott Mountain Bike Alliance. We look forward to the outcomes from this grant to continue our community-based, user-driven collaborative planning efforts for the Greater Prescott Trails Plan.”
According to a PMBA spokesperson, “Our goal is to create plans for a new gravity flow trail or trails. While this is all still in the planning stages, this grant will allow us to present a professionally planned trail proposal to the Prescott National Forest (PNF). While Prescott has lots and lots of XC-style trails this grant will jump-start our efforts to bring some diversity to the riding here.”
He went on to say that the grant application has been a coordinated effort involving PMBA, the City and Prescott National Forest (PNF). “Thanks to Chris Hosking, Joyce van Walsum, Derek Mohler, and Charlie Glasel for their efforts in securing this grant. It is a matching grant, so we will undertake some fund raising for our obligation to match the grant.”
For more information, go to, or call Recreation Services Department at 928-777-1552. For Information about PMBA, go to For information about Prescott National Forest, go to